Note: This is a series I call Caveman Beer Reviews, because I like to drink beer but am a caveman when it comes to beer knowledge. I know only the basics, and do not have a refined palate. I’ll review the beers on price and what they look, smell, and taste like to me.
Beer: Leffe Blond
Bottom Line: A very alcoholic brew with a medium-intensity malt taste combined with a light bitterness and hints of sweetness. Quite good.
Price: About $7.99 for a 6-pack of 12 ounce bottles.
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Like Jamaica, Belgium is a small country with outsize name recognition. Just think of the Muscles from Brussels (Jean-Claude Van Damme) and his amazing body of work: Universal Soldier, Double Impact, Kickboxer, Timecop, and others. And who can split like Van Damme?
Credit: Giphy
So when my wife brought home this Belgian brew, I was ecstatic. And when I tried it, I was not let down; it turned out to be just as unique as the country and its people.
Origin: Belgium
Alcohol: 6.6%. Wowza!
Looks: A cool dark glass bottle with a rather complicated, Germanic-looking label, with an outline of a city on it. The beer itself is a dark-ish yellow color.
Smell: Rather strong malt smell.
Taste: This is some good beer. It has a complex taste in that it’s a little thick and rather malty, but then it also has bitter and sweet notes. It’s quite unique when compared to other beers I’ve tasted; it slightly reminds me of root beer.
More Van Damme. Sorry, not sorry. Credit: Giphy.
I would not call it refreshing or easy to drink, since it feels a bit thick. It’s the kind of beer I would order with a heavy dinner, perhaps at a steakhouse.
But overall I would say it’s got a pleasant, unique taste. It’s also 6.6% alcohol, so hang on to your hats when enjoying this.
Hangover Factor: Nothing unusual. I’m a male in reasonably good health born in 1983.
Final Thoughts
I quite liked the Leffe Blond, but it’s more of an end-of-the-day drink. Because of its thickness and alcohol content, it might not be good for a pool party or barbecue, but it could hit the spot with a good steak.
One more time. Credit: Thrillist, Famous Face.
One of my favorites. It’s got enough flavor and alcohol to be interesting, but not quite at the complexity and ABV of a Belgian triple. Plus, it’s pretty easy on the wallet. Cheers!
Agree, I really liked it!