Note: This is a series I call Caveman Beer Reviews, because I like to drink beer but am a caveman when it comes to beer knowledge. I know only the basics, and do not have a refined palate. I’ll review the beers on price and what they look, smell, and taste like to me.
Beer: Samuel Adams Boston Lager
Bottom Line: A somewhat expensive bold and bitter beer. I really liked it.
Price: About $13.49 for a 12-pack of 12 ounce bottles.
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5
So I found my lonesome self on a Friday night in Colorado Springs, Colorado for a Saturday work conference, and decided to brighten up the evening a little bit by ordering some room service. When the lady on the phone asked me what I wanted to drink, it occurred to me to get a beer, and I was super happy to hear that they had Sam Adams. I spent my college years in Boston and and very fond of it, so I’m always happy to have something that reminds me of Beantown.
Origin: Boston, Massachusetts
Alcohol: 5%
Looks: A dark glass beer bottle with red, white and blue labeling featuring a depiction of the historical Samuel Adams. The beer itself has a rich yellow color.
Smell: Slightly bitter smell.
Taste: Samuel Adams Boston Lager has a bold, full-bodied, bitter taste, which will appeal to those that like that kind of beer. It’s not as bitter as Guinness, but has a somewhat similar taste. However, because it’s not so bitter, it manages to still be refreshing.
I like bitter, full-bodied beer, and thought it was excellent. So much so, that I had another one the next day while flying back home! (Pro tip: If you order a can of beer on a moving airplane, don’t open it while hovering it over your pants. I did this and spilled Sam Adams right on my better regions).
You can have it; I’ll take the Sam Adams
Hangover Factor: Normal for a non-light beer. I’m a male in reasonably good health born in 1983. I started my work conference the next day at 9:00 AM, and had a great workday, not feeling affected at all by the prior night’s Sam Adams.
I paired this with a hearty room-service meal of dumplings and salmon. I really liked the way the bitterness of the beer contrasted with the more delicate flavors of the food.
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