Note: This is a series I call Caveman Wine Reviews, because I like to drink wine but am a caveman when it comes to wine knowledge. I know only the basics, and do not have a refined palate. I’ll review the wines on price and what they look, smell, and taste like to me.
Wine: La Burgondie Crémant de Bourgogne Brut Reserve (what a mouthful!)
Grape: I can’t find it on the bottle. It’s white sparkling wine.
Bottom Line: A mild, slightly sour, very slightly sweet white sparkling wine. I thought it was ok (but not great) because I enjoy fruitier wines. If you like dryer wines, you’ll probably like it.
Price: About $10 per 750ml bottle.
My Rating: 3 out of 5
I bought this as part of my righteous quest to find cheap sparkling wines for myself and for you, dear readers. It was well-priced at about $10 per bottle.
I’ve got to learn how to to that!
Origin: France, but it’s not Champagne
Alcohol: 12%
Looks: A green, funky bottle with an orange label featuring a Picasso-like depiction of what looks to me like a man on a horse, riding towards the sun. The wine itself is a very pale yellow color.
Smell: Strong dry smell. The smell’s not fruity at all.
Taste: The Burgondie is a very gaseous, mostly dry white sparkling wine, with an extremely mild hint of sweetness. I thought that it was somewhat sour, with a mild, albeit predominating, sour taste. In other words, no taste is very strong, but the strongest is sourness.
It’s pretty light and easy to drink, but left a mild alcoholic burn in my throat.
Overall, I thought that this was an unremarkable but well-priced wine. I did not like it too much but do note that my wife, who enjoys dryer wines than I do, liked it much more.
Hangover Factor: No complaints. I had about 3/4 of the bottle in one sitting, watched Game of Thrones, went to bed, and woke up fine the next day. I’m a male in reasonably good health born in 1983.
“You know nothing, Jon Snow”
Final Thoughts
Meh, this one’s ok. I really like that it’s well-priced, but I prefer sweeter wines.
Photo by TigerLilyEdition
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