Note: This is a series I call Caveman Wine Reviews, because I like to drink wine but am a caveman when it comes to wine knowledge. I know only the basics, and do not have a refined palate. I’ll review the wines on price and what they look, smell, and taste like to me.
Wine: Michael David Cabernet Freakshow
Grape: Cabernet Sauvignon
Bottom Line: An easy-to-like, sweet Cabernet for those who don’t want too much astringency in their wines. I liked it and I usually don’t like Cabernets because they’re not sweet enough. Expensive.
Price: About $18.99 per 750ml bottle.
My Rating: 3.5 out of 5
I impulse-bought this at, I think, Costco, seduced by the cool-looking “vintage” bottle that has like an old-school carnival scene on it. I spent more than I should have, and I generally don’t even like Cabernets. The vintage year on my bottle is 2013.
Origin: California
Alcohol: 14.5%
Looks: A dark, common wine bottle with a really cool label showing like an old-school carnival. I would take it to a party just for that novelty factor alone. The wine itself has a deep red color.
Smell: Pretty strong red wine smell. I can’t really make out anything more than that.
Taste: I mostly dislike Cabernets. They taste too harsh and astringent to me, and I prefer sweeter wines. Cabernets are an acquired taste that I have yet to acquire.
Having said that, I did like the Freakshow, because I found it sweet for a Cabernet. It had a slightly sweet taste, and not was harsh (except for a little bit of aftertaste-harshness that lingers in the throat). I would not spend almost $20 for this again, but for the cool label. I might buy it to pour for friends or take to a party. If my wife buys it, I’ll have a sip.
Hangover Factor: Medium, but that’s because red wines (and especially Cabernets) tend to make me hung over. I would not drink more than a glass or two of this. It actually gave me a mild stomachache soon after drinking it. I’m a male in reasonably good health born in 1983.
I paired this with cheese quesadillas because I had already started drinking it and then decided to eat, and the quesadillas were easy to make. This was a terrible pairing; the flavors clashed.
Photo by TigerLilyEdition
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