Yes – the PB&J in the name means peanut butter and jelly. Indeed, this beer is called Funky Buddha No Crusts Peanut Butter & Jelly Brown Ale. Odd, right?
Anyways, I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with peanut butter. As a young’un, I hated it. In fact, I even hated the smell, to the point that if a kid regularly ate the stuff, I’d regularly walk the other way.
Later in life, I learned to tolerate it, and even like it. In college, I ate Fluffernutters – Fluff and peanut butter, sandwiched between two Eggo waffles. They were heavenly, mmkay?
That’s all I have to say about Fluffernutters. But I do have more to say about this beer.
In A Nutshell
Beer: Funky Buddha No Crusts Peanut Butter & Jelly Brown Ale
Bottom Line: An oddly flavored beer with a somewhat rancid grape taste that somehow manages to work wonderfully. It’s great!
Price: About $13.99 for a four-pack of 12-ounce bottles. Expensive!
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Origin: Oakland Park, Florida
Alcohol: 6.4%
Looks: A common, dark glass beer bottle with some awesome label art. It features a barbershop where a peanut barber is shaving the crusts off a tough-guy sandwich. Take a look to see what I mean:
The beer itself is a dark brown color.
Smell: Very odd smell – a bit like grape jelly, but not as sweet.
Taste: The Funky Buddha No Crusts Peanut Butter & Jelly Brown Ale is one of the weirdest brews I’ve ever had. It’s got a very unique flavor in that it tastes like diluted, sour grape jelly with a rancid element, and hints of chocolate. Surprisingly, it works very well, coming together in a strong and pleasant symphony that’ll appeal to those that like strong and unconventional brews.
It’s also got a dull, sweet-and-sour aftertaste that sits in the sides of your mouth for a good while. As well, it’s got medium body and medium-high carbonation.
Hangover Factor: Nothing unusual. However, the high alcohol content kept me tipsy longer than anticipated. On a weekday, no less (I go through the sacrifice of weekday beer drinking to bring these reviews to you, dear readers 😉 .
Final Thoughts: Ok, this is a really expensive beer, so I wouldn’t buy it that often. That said, it just comes together very, very well, and is strangely satisfying. It’s a bit heavy for day drinking – I’d recommend having it at a hipster bar or party where the men have undercuts and big beards.
Note: This is a series I call Caveman Beer Reviews, because I like to drink beer but am a caveman when it comes to beer knowledge. I know only the basics, and do not have a refined palate. I’ll review the beers on price and what they look, smell, and taste like to me.
Thank you for your sacrifice Miguel. This one’s a little over my price point, but an interesting review never the less. Tom
It is my pleasure to make the sacrifice 🙂
On a second review, I must say I like the smirk the piece of bread has on his face. It might be worth buying just to ponder the label while drinking.
Hey Tom,
That’s what led me to buy it in the first place 🙂 I just couldn’t resist!