Being the Rich Miser, I always try to buy quality goods. After all, as they say, “buy cheap, buy twice”. Low quality goods tend to break down or deteriorate quickly, and sometimes don’t even work well. This is why I always recommend that you go for quality things.
However, you should rarely, if ever, pay full price. One good way to avoid this is by shopping on Blinq. This is a website where you can buy premium goods for cheap prices. They sell new goods, as well as open-box* and used. Of course, you know what you are buying beforehand, and you get free shipping and a 30-day money-back guarantee (including returns). The only real downside is that they do not ship as fast as, say, Amazon Prime. Things take about 3-4 business days to get to your door in the continental USA. I am also not sure if manufacturer warranties apply, especially to open-box or used products. Therefore, I would be careful buying something like electronics.
My Experience
I have only had good experiences with Blinq. For example, I lost a pair of sunglasses recently. Since I like to buy quality, well-built goods, I wanted a new pair, and wanted Ray-Bans. Of course, I was not going to pay retail.
I bought a pair of open-box aviator Ray-Bans for less than $100, that were retailing on the Ray-Ban website for over $150. They arrived at my door a few days later, and are exactly what I was promised.
Get some shades! Credit: Giphy
So in sum, for goods whose quality you can appraise within the 30-day return period, like accessories and clothing, think about Blinq.
*8/1/2017 Update: The linked article is from Blinq’s blog and extensively explains the meaning of “open box”, as featured on Blinq. I am quoted in the article; I was contacted about the article well after I published this post.
Thanks for the shout-out! We hope you enjoy your new Ray-Bans; sounds like you got a great deal on them!
Thank you! I did get a great deal, much less than what they were selling for elsewhere!