Is anyone here a fisherman (or woman)? Because I need some knowledge. You see, back when I was an eager teenager, a friend invited me to go fishing on his parents’ boat (in the Caribbean, where I grew up). Now I’ve never had sea legs, so I was so excited that I didn’t sleep the night before.
So the next day came, and I got on that boat, expecting to go to the spot where the fish were, and then cast our rods and joke around ’till the fish bit. Ha! Little did I know that this fishing trip entailed casting the rods, and then going around in circles for hours until we got a bite.
We never caught a single fish; I got sick and besmirched the ship, and I never got invited again. So that’s my story. My question is, why don’t they stop the boat?
Anyways, the reason I went into this is because this bottle has a big ‘ol fish on the front, and it brought back this memory.
In A Nutshell
Beer: Holy Mackerel Spéciale Golden
Bottom Line: A tasty, complex brew with an initial lack of taste that transitions into a sweet finish, with a hint of citrus-y sourness. I liked it.
Price: About $9.99 for a 4-pack of 12 ounce bottles. Expensive!
My Rating: 4 out of 5
Origin: Greenville, South Carolina
Alcohol: 8.5%
Looks: A dark glass beer bottle with a snazzy label featuring a mackerel with sunglasses and a beer. He seems to be enjoying life.
The beer itself is a light amber color.
Smell: Very light, wheat smell with an almost imperceptible hint of lemon.
Taste: The Holy Mackerel Spéciale Golden is an unusual and complex beer in that it starts out with little taste, but quickly transitions into a sweet, molasses-type finish, with a hint of citrus-y sourness; it leaves a slightly sour aftertaste on the tongue. It reminds me of the Leffe Blond but with more complexity of flavor. It strikes a good balance between sweet and sour.
This brew is also medium-bodied and has a medium gas content, and is not particularly refreshing or easy to drink. It’s more of a night beer, in my view, and I would have no more than one during a day-drinking session.
My only criticisms are that the finish and aftertaste are a wee bit too sour for my taste.
Hangover Factor: Nothing unusual.
Final Thoughts
This is a good beer, but it’s just really expensive. Buy it if you’ve got some cash burning a hole in your pocket, or if you think the tipsy mackerel on the label will impress your friends.
Does anyone know why they don’t stop the boat?
Note: This is a series I call Caveman Beer Reviews, because I like to drink beer but am a caveman when it comes to beer knowledge. I know only the basics, and do not have a refined palate. I’ll review the beers on price and what they look, smell, and taste like to me.
All I have to say, is that’s one angry fish Miguel. I bought a couple brews on sale recently. Azacca IPA by Founder brewery and Dale’s Pale Ale. They are okay, but I probably wouldn’t get them again. Tom
Hey Tom,
Yeah, he (or she) definitely wants to stay in the water! Glad to hear you’re trying all these new brews. I love tasty pale ales.
I love finding a good craft brew on sale, or visiting a brewery to learn how they make it with a few beers a long the way!
Hey Chris,
Me too, as I try more beers I learn to appreciate good flavor. I’ve never visited a brewery yet, I’ll keep it in mind!
Reminds me of when a friend of ours got sick on a Catamaran party boat in Jamaica. Kind of brought the mood down a bit as she was hurling over the side of the boat hahahahaha.
Hey Mr. DS,
Hahaha it’s easy to get sick on a boat, and the problem is that when it happens, you’re usually already far from shore. That’s actually the only time I’ve gotten that sick on a boat, but it was enough that they never invited me again…