Bottom Line: A bland lounge with a mouthful of a name (Mortgage Solutions Financial Premier Lounge), few amenities, and even less food and drink choices. It’s the only one at Colorado Springs airport, though, so it’s either there or the terminal.
My Rating: 2 out of 5
The Details
For the first 30 years of my life, I went to less airport lounges than I can count on five fingers. Nowadays, I can’t imagine how to live without them. For frequent business travelers, they can be pure gold, as they offer a respite from the discomforts of life on the road, as well as grub and booze you don’t have to budget for. First World problems, but problems nonetheless.
So as I’ve said in other posts, I recently found myself on business on a nice Saturday in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I was due to return to Miami via a flight from the Colorado Springs Airport. There, I went to the Mortgage Solutions Financial Premier Lounge, which I accessed with my Priority Pass Select card that I got with my Citi Prestige MasterCard. Here’s what I thought of it.
You Can Pick Any Lounge You Want, As Long As It’s Mortgage Solutions’
As far as I can tell, this is the only lounge at COS, so it’s either there or the terminal. Once you enter and check in, you’ll see that it’s quite small – it looked to me like it could fit no more than 30 people. It’s also got this bland and beige dated look.
For working stiffs like myself
It’s got a narrow hallway with some food and drink selections, consisting of chips and such (for food) and water, coffee, soda, and juice (for drinks). There’s no alcohol; if you wanna get funny, you’ll have to pony up the money.
To The Salt Mines
As a worker, I did appreciate that it had a separate work/meeting room with a table with free pads and pens, as well as power outlets. I spent a good while there being productive, while some merry folk outside drank and laughed (they brought drinks in from the terminal).
Had it all to myself on a Saturday
I was also happy with the wifi, which, at 25.8 mbps download and 6.98 mbps upload, was a roadrunner.
To the Tube
If it’s entertainment you seek, Mortgage Solutions has a nice TV for your viewing pleasure. Helpfully, there’s a remote control and a channel guide, so you can put on your channel of choice.
If Nature Calls, Tough Luck
Remarkable, the lounge has no bathroom; you’ve got to go outside to the terminal. I thought this was a big flaw.
Final Thoughts
In all, I thought that this was a lackluster lounge, but still better than the terminal. At least I know who to call if I need a mortgage in COS.
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