For many of us, part of living a richer lifestyle is adopting a furry friend. But which one? Well, some of the most popular choices are dogs and cats. I’ve already written about dogs, but am not about to leave cat lovers behind! So today I’ve resolved to lay out some cool cat facts, about five very popular cat breeds. (Of course, there are other types of cats, but these are some of the most-adopted out there).
Which one is best for your family – Bengal, Siamese, Sphynx, Persian, or Ragdoll? Let’s dig in and find out.
What You Need to Know About 5 Popular Cat Breeds
How This Cat Breed Guide Is Organized
To bring you the best and most accessible information, each of the types of cats is listed in the following format:
- Name
- Picture
- Description
- Second picture
- List of characteristics
- Link to a Reddit community for that breed
- Informative videos
The idea is that you can both read about and see the cats, in still pictures and in live video. I’m also linking to Reddit communities for each cat type, where you can talk to actual cat parents and get their take.
Each Cat is An Individual
Although I’ve included a lot of information here, remember that these are generalizations, and that each cat is an individual that can conform to the general breed characteristics to lesser or greater degrees. There are few (or no) guarantees.
A Note on Sources
The information in this article is sourced from the websites of the Animal Plant, Purina, and/or The Cat Fanciers’ Association. Please see the links at the end and throughout the article. You’d also do well to check out the Cats Reddit community.
And now, without further ado, here are 5 popular types of cats, in no particular order:
Bengal cats are one of the most popular types of cats out there, owing to their rich personalities and exotic look. They tend to live an average lifespan of 12 to 15 years, and healthy females grow to anywhere between 6 and 12 pounds while males can climb as high as 18 pounds.
Activity Level and Personality
If you are considering adopting your very first cat, it is important to note that Bengals require a lot of attention—and if they do not get the attention they crave, they will often lash out. If you are up for the challenge, great! But first-time cat parents should be aware of the potential pitfalls that may present themselves.
These cats are extremely active and excitable, and as such, tend to climb to great heights in order to achieve a higher vantage point—where they can sit for hours on end before playfully pouncing on passersby. If you think that you are not likely to be at home often enough to keep your cat entertained and engaged, you might want to think about getting two (so they can play with each other). This breed of cat relies on engagement and having a constant outlet for energy.
Bengals Are Beautiful
Aesthetically, Bengals are quite the sight to see. Their unique coats are very similar to those of leopards, which may account for their extreme popularity with first-time pet parents. Large oval eyes and distinctive Tabby-like facial markings offset their rambunctiousness, making them look content and calm when in repose. But don’t turn your back on a healthy, active Bengal!
Shedding and Allergies
Potential pet parents suffering from allergies, take note: Bengals come highly recommended.
While no breed can be considered 100% hypoallergenic, it is important to know that light-shedding cat breeds disperse fewer aggravating particles into the air, which can make the difference between owning a cat and a cat owning you. If your sensitivity to pet dander and hair is easily controllable, an occasional trip to the groomers (or some routine brushing) can provide a noticeable improvement to your living environment.
Bengal Cat Facts (Per Animal Planet):
“Size: Medium
Energy Level: High
Playfulness: Did someone say “toy?” Yes, please!
Affection Level: Average
Vocality: Average
Intelligence: You can SEE me thinking
Grooming Needs: I mostly groom myself
Dog-Like?: I’m a cat and proud of it”
Reddit community (so you can talk to actual cat parents and get more Bengal cat facts).
Bengal Cat Videos
Here’s another one:
It is often said that cats are some of the most intelligent creatures around—and this is particularly true of members of the Siamese variety. In fact, not only is this breed smarter than average but the Siamese, with its rich and storied history dating back to ancient Siam (Thailand), has played a significant role in contributing to the creation of many other breeds, including the Himalayan, Burmese and the Balinese.
If you are not familiar with the name, chances are you will instantly recognize the look. Siamese are known for their distinct coloration: creamy, light bodies contrasted with dark coloring on the feet, ears, and tail. Sleek, short hair and long sinewy hind legs make up the rest of this breed’s unique characteristics, topped off by an oblong skull and large, triangular ears.
Personality and Energy Level
Though at first they might appear aloof and standoffish, Siamese are incredibly curious and love companionship—don’t be surprised to find them snuggling up to their human parents before plopping themselves down onto a lap.
Speaking of companionship, it is important to note that Siamese cats are not just a pretty face and should therefore not be treated as such. If you are looking for a cat based solely on looks, you might want to reconsider this breed. Siamese require lots of engagement in order to keep their minds active and their reflexes sharp, so moving into a busy home, or at least one with frequent activity, is ideal.
Siamese Cat Facts (Per Animal Planet):
“Size: Medium
Energy Level: High
Playfulness: Did someone say “toy?” Yes, please!
Affection Level: I looooove being with you
Vocality: I’m a chatty catty
Intelligence: You can SEE me thinking
Grooming Needs: I mostly groom myself
Dog-Like?: I’m a cat and proud of it”
Reddit community (so you can talk to actual cat parents and get more Siamese cat facts).
Siamese Cat Videos
What can be said about the Sphynx cat type? Put it this way: if you won’t accept members of this breed at first sight, no amount of persuading is going to convince you otherwise. This misunderstood, and mostly wrinkled and hairless, variety of housecat has an undeniably bold look that can best be compared to that of a naked, old person (LOL). However, one should never judge a book by its cover—and Sphynxes are no exception.
Personality and Energy Level
Sphynxes are incredibly affectionate, devoted companions with friendly, wide-eyed expressions that belie their muscular and sinewy bodies. Due to the fact that they are mostly hairless (some, instead, feature a fine down all over their bodies), Sphynxes require weekly sponge baths in order to prevent their skin from becoming clogged with sebaceous oils.
What Sphynxes lack on the outside, they more than make up for on the inside. Personality is an understatement—this breed will go to unbelievably silly lengths in order to grab and maintain your attention, often resorting to cheeky mischief like climbing the curtains or swinging from a door frame. Sphynxes are brimming with affection and love to show it off. So, if you are frequently away from home for long stretches, it might be wise to consider getting a furry playmate for your friend.
Are Sphynxes Hypoallergenic?
If allergies have ever prevented you, or made you question, adopting a housecat, then this is the breed for you. Not only are you less likely to be triggered by an influx of loose hair, but also maintaining the cleanliness of your home is a breeze.
Sphynx Cat Facts (Per Animal Planet)
“Size: Medium
Energy Level: High
Playfulness: Did someone say “toy?” Yes, please!
Affection Level: I looooove being with you
Vocality: Average
Intelligence: You can SEE me thinking
Grooming Needs: We’ll be doing this a lot
Dog-Like?: I’m a cat and proud of it”
Reddit community (so you can talk to actual cat parents and get more Sphynx cat facts).
Sphynx Cat Videos
Here’s another one (a Canadian Sphynx):
When picturing the archetypal housecat image, chances are you will arrive upon a shot of the long-haired Persian. This could be due to their status as one of the oldest breeds of cat in existence, having been favored by British, French and Italian royalty throughout the centuries. In fact, little has changed as far as popularity and recognition are concerned.
Personality and Energy Level
Quiet and docile, these fluffy cats enjoy equally calm surroundings—either draped across a hassock or nuzzling comfortably in their parent’s lap—and prefer the company of mild-mannered children and unassertive dogs. Persian cats are not entirely antisocial. They do partake in low-impact activities but are just as happy to perch on a windowsill or atop a landing and watch passersby.
Physically, Persian cats can be described as adorable balls of fluff, with tiny round heads, chubby cheeks, small, rounded ears, and stubby noses. They also often have sturdy, bulbous bodies which are supported by chunky little legs.
They come in a variety of colors, ranging from white to silver and gold. Interestingly enough, Persians eye colors are related to their particular coat. For example, white Persians frequently have dark copper or deep blue eyes, while golden Persians typically feature solid green eyes. In all, modern Persian cats come available in over 80 different color combinations.
Skin and Shedding
Persians are known for their long, luxurious coats and, while they tend to shed excessively, a frequent grooming routine will prevent too much hair accumulation in your home. As the coats are the main attraction, it is best to comb Persians daily in order to prevent matting and remove tangles. Always keep your cat—short or long-haired—looking great.
Another drawback facing most Persians (due to their long hair) is their propensity for acquiring skin ailments that cause itching, redness and hair loss, as well as ringworm and various kidney diseases.
Persian Cat Facts (Per Animal Planet)
“Size: Large
Energy Level: Low
Playfulness: Daily play, please
Affection Level: I looooove being with you
Vocality: I talk when necessary
Intelligence: You can SEE me thinking
Grooming Needs: We’ll be doing this a lot
Dog-Like?: I’m a cat and proud of it”
Reddit community (so you can talk to actual cat parents and get more Persian cat facts).
Persian Cat Videos
Appropriately enough, this breed is thought to have been named from the popular belief that their bodies go completely limp—like that of a ragdoll—when you pick them up. If the name wasn’t enough of a giveaway, perhaps a few minutes alone with a Ragdoll cat will tell you all that you need to know. In a nutshell, Ragdolls are affectionate and, above all, playful.
These are the housecats that instead of squirreling away under beds and sofas when the doorbell rings, present themselves boldly to newcomers with voracious nuzzling and rhythmic purring. And unlike many other breeds of cats, Ragdolls are almost always happy to see their parents return home at the end of the day, and will run to greet them at the door.
However, their activity level at any given time is subject to change—this breed is low energy, but don’t mistake that slow motion for indifference: if their parent is happy, Ragdolls are happy, too.
Ragdolls Are Very Smart
Whip-smart, Ragdolls are also adaptable learners and can even be taught tricks and disciplined by way of assertiveness and positive reinforcement. They can be trained to fetch, respond to their names when called, and cohabitate with less aggressive dogs and young children.
They Can Get Heavy
With their low-maintenance attitudes in mind, it is important that you keep a watchful eye on the weight development of your Ragdoll, especially during its formative years (most have an average lifespan of 15 to 25 years).
This breed is known for producing some heavyweights—even healthy males can clock in at north of 35 pounds. Soft and fluffy white coats, usually resistant to matting, tend to make Ragdolls appear bigger than they actually are, which can make it challenging to monitor for signs of obesity.
Also, be sure to provide routine brushing and grooming: these are beautiful balls of fluff and should be kept as such.
Great Companions
If you are keen to add a loyal and loving pet to your low-maintenance abode, you really can’t go wrong with a Ragdoll—a constant companion with sparkling, oval-shaped blue eyes and a penchant for snuggling. Who could ask for anything better?
Ragdoll Cat Facts (Per Animal Planet)
“Size: Large
Energy Level: Low
Playfulness: Daily play, please
Affection Level: Average
Vocality: I talk when necessary
Intelligence: You can SEE me thinking
Grooming Needs: We’ll be doing this a lot
Dog-Like?: I’m a cat and proud of it”
Reddit community (so you can talk to actual cat parents and get more Ragdoll cat facts).
Ragdoll Cat Videos
And another one:
Summing It Up
Depending on your family’s needs, you’re unlikely to go wrong with one of these cat types. They can liven up your home and provide love and companionship for many years to come!
What are your favorite types of cats?
Tom @ Dividends Diversify says
I like “dog like” cats. Best of both worlds. Independent but like a little human companionship. On your list, I think I like the ragdoll best. Tom