Need ways to relax your mind? Don’t we all? Indeed, in today’s stressed-out living, it’s become practically indispensable to be relaxed – and the more relaxed, the better.
So, based on my experience and research, I’ve prepared this quick list of things you can do to calm your mind and be just a bit happier. Let’s check them out.
These are Some of the Best Ways to Relax Your Mind
Be More Relaxed with a Quick Meditation
It works, and the more you do it, the better. If it’s a matter of being more relaxed right now, I recommend that you try an app like Headspace. In just 5 minutes, you can feel calmer and less stressed.
Learn to be Relaxed with Classical Music
One of my favorite ways to relax your mind. Among its many benefits, classical music can help lower your blood pressure and relieve anxiety.
Personally, I listen to at least half an hour of classical tunes every day, using Pandora. I play it at home and in the car, and can say it does have a nice calming effect.
Take A Quick Walk
A change of atmosphere and breath of fresh air will help you to be relaxed. Break your mental patterns and take in the world (bonus if you can walk in nature).
Here’s a video on so-called forest bathing:
Watch a Funny Video
Be more relaxed by laughing! After all, there’s a reason why they say that “laughter is the best medicine”.
YouTube is chock-full of hilarious videos. Laugh out loud with this one:
See A Professional
If your stress or anxiety is reaching alarming levels, don’t hesitate to see a professional. They’re trained to listen to you and help you.
The easiest way to make an appointment might be by using Zocdoc, one of my favorite apps.
Have Some Tea
There’s some evidence that chamomile tea is one of the ways to relax your mind. Therefore, brew yourself a cup and enjoy!
Have A Drink
This might be somewhat controversial, but I think everyone that’s had a drink knows that alcohol (consumed responsibly) is one of the effective ways to relax your mind.
Hey, don’t get drunk or even have a drink if it’s problematic for you. But if you don’t have any objection to it, have a beer or even a martini, and take a break.
Watch an ASMR Video
These odd little videos can make you feel “tingles” and help you chill. You can start with this one:
Put Your Phone on Vibrate
I don’t know about you, but a constantly ringing and pinging phone will stress me out, especially if I’m trying to concentrate. I’ve had my phone permanently on vibrate mode for months now, and it’s really helped make my life just a little more tranquil.
By exercising, not only will you be calmer, but you’ll look nicer and live longer. Even if it’s just a walk (or maybe some indoor sports if it’s cold outside), exercise will make you feel better quite quickly.
Summing Up the Best Ways to Relax Your Mind
And there you have it! I think we could all do with a bit more relaxation in this crazed thing we call life. Try one of these ways to relax your mind today!
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