I was with my wife at ALDI (an extremely cheap supermarket) when I spotted this brew on one of the shelves. Not only did it have a really cool label, but it was also an IPA (which I usually like), and it was relatively well-priced. So, I bought a six-pack, and resolved to write up this Wild Range IPA Review. Here goes:
Wild Range IPA Review
Quick Summary
Beer: Wild Range IPA (India Pale Ale)
Bottom Line:Â A very, very good beer with a predominantly sour (but pleasant) flavor, as well as malty and sweet notes.
Price:Â About $6.99 for a six-pack of 12 oz bottles at ALDI
My Rating:Â 4.5 out of 5
Origin:Â Rochester, New York
Rochester, NY. Not a wild place…
Alcohol:Â 6.9%. Yeah!
Looks:Â A dark glass standard beer bottle with a really cool drawing of some circus-type dude holding up a baton and two wolves; together with James Bond, the apex of masculinity.
The other pinnacle of manliness
The beer itself has an amber color.
Smell:Â Strong malt smell with hints of chocolate.
Taste:Â The Wild Range IPA has an excellent balance of flavors, starting with a relatively strong, but pleasant, sour taste. Then, you get hints of malt and a molasses-type sweetness. So sour, malty, and sweet (in that order). The flavors linger close to the back of the mouth, but are all pretty smooth.
It’s also got good, medium-level carbonation and a nice thickness, not being watery at all. My wife says it’s soapy, but I couldn’t make that out at all.
The cock, another icon of masculinity
The Wild Range is too sour and thick to be refreshing or easy to drink; it’s not a beach day kind of brew. Rather, think of enjoying it with a heavy, food coma-inducing meal, like a juicy steak.
Hangover Factor:Â Nothing out of the ordinary. I’m a male in reasonably good health born in 1983.
Wild Range IPA Review Final Thoughts
Initially, I didn’t really know what to expect, since I’d never bought beer at ALDI, and ALDI is like the dollar store of supermarkets (very cheap, no-name products, some of which are high-quality).
This is a really good and quite alcoholic beer. It’s manly, thick, and tasty. Pick it up the next time you’re at ALDI.
Credit: GIF from Giphy
Note: This is a series I call Caveman Beer Reviews, because I like to drink beer but am a caveman when it comes to beer knowledge. I know only the basics, and do not have a refined palate. I’ll review the beers on price and what they look, smell, and taste like to me.
I pick up new beers when I come across them. While at the local Aldi, I came across a few new beers and decided to check them out. One was Wild Range. This beer has the taste of green beer and turpentine. I poured out 3/4 of it. NOT RECOMMEND unless you don’t like someone, then I would definitely give this to them, I doubt they will be back.
Hi Butch,
Interesting perspective. I liked this beer, but, of course, not everyone will. Thanks for providing a different point of view 🙂
couldn’t ask for any better for price, taste, and kick it’s next to Bass’
I really like IPA’s especially in the winter. This one is just plain delicious, and very approachable. I doubt I would ever find it “too much” after finishing off a six (over several days), the way I find Voodoo Ranger to be. I agree with your review!
It has a grapefruit taste to it.
I taste grapefruit my husband tastes soap, but it’s a dead ringer to Ballast Point Sculpin for half the price so I’m a happy girl.
Wild Range went up from $6.99 to $7.99
Has anyone noticed sediment floating in the bottle? I’m drinking one now and want to make sure I’m not having rodent parts
Great review! I love this beer. I also love Aldi’s and many, many of their products are very good. Produce, dairy, fish, I could go on an on. I’d be lost without them here in small town upstate NY.